Microcontroller Ethernet interface

Microcontroller - Ethernet interface card

When I post to this blog I try to alternate my posts – one post about something practical, another one for something cool (even if not particularly useful). It’s time for the practical post, so here comes the Ethernet Arduino compatible controller board. It’s a neat, relatively simple, and quite useful little gadget that can be used to bridge that gap that always bothers me – how to get the computer and microcontroller to talk to each other?  The good thing is you can just pull a network cable to the board and you can connect from anywhere on your home network, or even anywhere on the world.  With some tweaking I believe the project can be made to use Microchip PIC microcontroller too.

(Well, the easiest option for me is still the good old RS-232 interface, but with RS-232 you are pretty limited as to what is the maximum distance between your project and the computer.)

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